Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I am a fan
Turn me on
I think it's hot

You choose me from about a
dozen fans from the appliance shop
Not because I am the coolest,
probably because I am the cheapest

You can make me rotate so you can share me
with your friends
but what I really like is just go steady with you

I can get really dirty sometimes
I like it when you clean me up


Soon you can afford a better fan or an AC
When that day comes I wouldn't mind sitting on one corner
Loving you from a distance like I always did because

I am your fan
You turn me on
I think you're hot

Lately I've been smoking and making this funny noise
I know when I get faulty, this will leave you no choice

If all I was now is an eyesore to your house
I'm better off sold or dumped in a junk yard


Soon you can afford a better fan or an AC
When that day comes I wouldn't mind sitting on one corner
Loving you from a distance because

I am just your fan
You turn me on
I think you're hot

Goodbye to you my not anymore proud owner
You know I love you more than anything else in this house
But I have to respect your decision
I sometimes wish I've never been"manufractured" at all

I will never spin again, not for anyone else
You're the only one who can turn me on
You're the only one who can turn me on

It hurts so bad I wanna disintegrate

I am your fan
You turn me on
I think you being hot is an understatement

I miss you
but words are cheap and you get a lot of these
so it's very hard for you to comprehend how "industrial" my love is

Sunday, November 8, 2009

When you try to be the hero, you end up in someone's hell.
When you try to be the villain, you realize how lame you are
If neither concern nor hatred fills you in,
What the fuck is socializing for?

Friday, November 6, 2009


I maybe anorexic but my running thoughts are fat
Usually they impair me
But now they introduce me to something interesting
Quite an observation...

Maybe I don't really have an eating disorder
Maybe I am just broke

A lot of my friends complain that I am always talking about my problems
I also find people who does that same thing I do annoying

But right now (putangina gutom na gutom na ako)
I realize I had been only vocal about LoVe PRoBLeMs c",)
I always fall in love with men who are out of my league that's why I always end up
being rejected and then I will start to wallow in misery about not being good enough blablabla


I just want to introduce you to my recent observation.

People have different problems - LOVE, MONEY, CAREER etc.

A person could be very vocal in an obnoxious way about LOVE problems and at the same time
be very quiet about his MONEY or CAREER pressures.

A person could be very vocal about his MONEY problems and at the same time just laugh at
his LOVE or CAREER pressures.

A person could be very vocal about his LOVE, MONEY and CAREER problems even if he actually has none.

A person could be very vocal about how he finds people who were vocal about their problems ANNOYING.

A person could go the extra mile to help another person

A person could be very vocal about wanting to help another person even if he has no plan of actually helping

I find it funny how different people react to a downer situation.

The reason why I put this observation in writing is because I want to apologize to the people who find me annoying each time I bombard them with my thoughts of suicide each time a guy rejects me.

I also want them to appreciate the fact that I am the kind of person who goes the extra mile to help them in whatever situation they are in even if technicaly we are not friends yet because I have just met them.

And lastly I hope they realize sometimes I don't eat for days but I am not very vocal about it.

When it comes to that shit, I keep my freak to myself because even if you all think I don't, I still believe people have their own problems and mine is for me to solve - not to be shouldered by others.

I only wish I could be the person who is very vocal about MONEY and CAREER problems and at the same time be quiet about LOVE pressures.

..because honestly I could use some help with the former

..but the latter is most of the time always hopeless.


or maybe I just really don't want to eat.
Maybe I really have an eating disorder.
I remember being depressed when I gained a little weight.
Maybe I like this.

But I hate being broke because I like helping my friends when they are broke.
Can you imagine how worthless I feel right now

I might end up giving my bed expertise again to anyone because I have nothing else to offer
I am just a nuisance

My sweet Lord, where are my friends?
I need to be locked in a room where no one can enter

I think my satyriasis is back :-(

Thursday, November 5, 2009

What you don't know about kharma

..In our book the demon has a different name and he is not evil
In fact he is a guardian that balances pleasure and pain -
because the right amount of pain gives pleasure
and too much pleasure causes pain

... the dream master is also the one that balances kharmic occurences. a person may appear to have been burning in kharma, but in reality he is learning a lesson - what will it be like to feel this way and why this shouldn't happen to others.

hate shouldn't keep bouncing endlessly like a jackstone ball. once the lesson is learned, hatred must rest. kharma shouldn't be used to threaten but rather again, to learn to forgive and restore balance c",) - jan 18, 2011

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

from "murdered in the chase"

you were the predator
i was your prey

you don't get to kill me
coz i was murdered in the chase

caught and stumbled
on a trap set by a hunter

you don't get to kill me
coz i was murdered in the chase

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Why do you love me?

Last night I took a hide thinking I will not be hurt for as long as I can avoid seeing and being seen
but thoughts of you seeing me as an eyesore kept haunting me and I cannot come up with another defense from the catatonic effect of your hatred..

Why do you hurt me? What did I ever do to you?

Why was I so fond of you? Why do you love me?

Then I figured out the answers just don't matter.

Monday, November 2, 2009



Mga punchline kaninang umaga na pwede kong alalahanin para mapangiti ako ngayong araw:


RL: What kind of person are you? Are you a giver or a taker?
CR: Uhrmm
BILLY: I think he's a taker for granted



CR: Uwi nako take care!
BILLY: Yeah.. take care like I care!

(peace man, ofcourse I didn't mean it puma punchline lang corny kasi ang buhay)



(mensahe ko para sa taong pinakamahal ko sa lahat)

Thanks for "caring" for me enough to let me go
Guess "care" is what I needed the most

There'll always be an empty room waiting for you because I care for you more than anyone else
Do I have to say the words?

Thursday, October 29, 2009

convince me it's you i want

it's not enough to have someone you can call your own..
we all want to be loved by someone we love..
too bad for "inferiors" like me. "beggars can't be choosers"
and I don't feel like using anyone right now just to have somebody by my side

guess I will die alone.
so forgive me If I come up with weird ways to make myself happy

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Would you share your coffin with me? (2002)

To appreciate life
Leave it once in a while
When you're about to return

I am a worn out slipper
I am a rag
I am of no use to anyone, anymore

One day we'll be together but then, when? where?
We'll never leave each other's hours

Couldn't erase these false hopes on my mind
Will you make it real

Let me make you laugh
Make me stay
You can do anything you want with me

In death all of our social differences won't matter anymore
Here in our deathbed
Shortly before our bodies decay

Would you share your coffin with me?
It's my only chance to be with you (repeat till fade)

Working Title - "Tarak" (2003)

Ayaw lumapit
Ayaw lumisan
Paano mangyayari

Tila kumontra ang pag sang ayon
May magaganap ba?

Di mapuno ang sobra
Malaki ang espasyo sa daang masikip
Kasya kung wala siya
Ngunit may magaganap ba

Ayaw lumisan na lang
Nang di naninikip ang mundo sa paghihintay sa wala

Dahil nandito, kahit katiting
Umaasang may tatarak sa puso mong
pag aari sa ngayon ng iba


(Formerly "I can't blame you")

I can't blame them
I can't please any
It's easy to hate me, It's hard to love me
Maybe I'm just too odd

I can't rape you
I can't turn you on
I have convinced myself making you fall would be easy
But baby you're just too perfect

But then
I love you
You don't have to love me back
Just don't stop me from loving you

Ain't in the right place to say it
I am not even your friend
and it's obviously not right for a girl to do the first move

But I can't help it when you sit close to me
I can't help it when you touch me
Everytime you pull me closer
I can't help it

I can't rape you
I can't turn you on
It's easy to dump me
It's hard to keep me
Maybe I'm just too odd

GRuNT And sNaRL (2004)

I don't want to be a burden but lately I do
If it's a way to get back at you
And make you pay for the things you do till now

I don't want to be a phony but we're a mirror

Rumor mongerer, cocksucking crab
Swell headed prima, fabricating snob

You can call me anything
Call me names

But it's all you (anyone can see that)
It's all you (It's not so hard to see that bitch)

Feline Distemper (2007)

The aircon is down
She's turning blue
I won't be waiting for you

Early this morning
I bought some syringe
bet you didn't use it

imbecile slut
how do i know
you never left a note

she's gonna die anyway
so what's the point

but she could have last for atleast
two more days

long enough for us to figure out

It's not just a furball

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Like I don't know it from the start
Only for two weeks guaranteed

The missing picture in your eyes
of a perfect salacious affair

Whenever you leave
Wherever I go
Whatever I say is somewhat connected to you
It's only too bad

As much as I wanted you to be near
the same that you wanted to leave the moment I have just appeared

The missing picture in your eyes
of a perfect salacious affair

Whenever you leave
Wherever I go
Whatever I say is somewhat connected to you
It's only too bad

As much as I wanted you to be near
the same that you wanted to leave the moment I have just appeared

Comely Male
I maybe comely too
But you only want me on a small dosage

Young girls will learn from me
Not so young too learn
Too old to still cry

The missing picture in your eyes
of a perfect salacious affair

Whenever you leave
Wherever I go
Whatever I say is somewhat connected to you
It's only too bad

As much as I wanted you to be near
the same that you wanted to leave the moment I have just appeared

I have a secret.. I was watching you first..

I have a secret.. I was watching you first.. I've been loving you from a distance.. long before you've decided somebody's "going to hell." Can you imagine the pain of just letting someone pristine have you because you are out of my league?

I am not someone you can be proud of.
I am not the kind of girl you introduce to your mother.

The least you can do is appreciate whatever I have to give and not exhaust yourself into thinking I am asking anything in return. My only wish is to never see you sad.

(I never get tired of saying this)

I love you. You don't have to love me back. Just don't stop me from loving you.

Monday, October 26, 2009

just one of those rants (2006-2007)

I had a rude awakening this week – It pays to be tanga (dumb) sometimes.

I am not dyslexic, but if I will be compared to one when it comes to responses a lot of people would say mine is always slower. This is why a lot of people think I am stupid.

For years I have tried to deny this. I made myself believe my intelligence is above average. People can hardly notice I cannot answer a simple question because I always have an excuse and always have some other things to say.
But I am getting older and more insecure lately. When people jokingly say I’m stupid, it is starting to get into my nerves. Sometimes no one is even saying it but I can tell from their stares that they think I am no good. I can be that paranoid sometimes.

My greatest achievement so far other than getting paid Php3,000 per show, (I am a singer) is earning more than what my grouchy immediate supervisor makes. This was made possible by the business outsourcing industry. My tax return now shows I am earning Php219,000 annualy or close to Php18,000 a month, that’s a lot higher than what a manager from a local company makes and this does not include the allowance, incentives and benefits yet.

But for some reason I have to give this up.

I have always had a problem with authority ever since I started working way back in college.

I remember my first job as a video shop crew. I was friends with the area manager so no branch manager, more so a crew like me, can make a wrong move against me because they know they’ll be fired. So when the area manager resigned, I was the first to get laid off and I don’t know why. Maybe undergraduate store cashiers are not really meant for regularization and that sad truth gave me my first heartbreak as an employee. I consider losing a job similar to losing a boyfriend.

Because of that incident, I have always been on the look out for policies that hurts employees.

My co-workers loved me, but not my bosses. That’s where my problem with authority started.
Since I live in a make believe world that I am the best, with an above average intelligence, I am not afraid of anyone, not even the owner of a company!

I was also asked to resign from my second job because I got into a heated argument with the managing director, AKA owner of the company. He was so intimidated with my “intelligence” that he had to ask my direct supervisor to ask me to resign. He could not tell it on my face.
My job then was a corporate sales executive for a five star hotel and we have the best sales manager in the industry at that time, which again have to resign because her boss sucks. That leaves us to suffer “direct”. Imagine he wanted us to go out in the field without any transportation allowance! He says we should not stay in the office.

One day he caught me in the office setting up appointments over the phone and preparing letters I need to hand carry to my prospects and then he scolded me. He said I should be out in the field. I told him I have better chances booking a function if I know the decision makers. That I have to drop by with a letter, rather than just dropping by unarmed on every building because I might end up talking only to the security guard.

I made him look stupid. He is the boss. How come he does not know these things? Unfortunately, he does not like being told what to do and did not take these constructively that’s why I was asked to resign that day.

Again, that’s the end of my first job after I graduated college.

I had a couple of jobs after that which again I lost because of similar situations.
I honestly think I do not have a problem with authority. They are the one who cannot handle the fact that I am better than them. They always see me as a threat or a “kill joy” workaholic.

Before I got the job where in I get paid more than my manager gets, I was in call center. It is my first time to resign because of all the nine jobs I have had in my lifetime, I am always asked to resign.

I was so furious because the people there are glamorizing petiks (slacking on the job) I was not friends with my boss so while they are all busy smoking, sleeping on company time, I was left with all the work.

I got burned out that’s why I resigned. Luckily I got a higher paying job a couple of months after.
But I am going to repeat what I mentioned earlier – For some reason I have to give it up.
I never had enemies on this job. Again it is the best so far. The pay is good and the people are nice.
I cannot explain what happened because I don’t understand it myself. Maybe because of the fact that I am really dumb by nature.(I will only admit this once) That’s why it is important for me to feel intelligent all the time and the best way to experience this is to challenge someone.
On that job there is no one to challenge. Most of my colleagues were younger. Even my bosses are younger so it is not worth the challenge. There are no wrong doings to correct (unlike on my previous jobs where I play policeman to my “criminal co-workers”) because the company is too organized they do the “punishing” themselves and the employees are afraid to lose their high paying job.

The people are nice. Now what the hell do I think is wrong with that? Isn’t this what I want? For my co-employees to respect me?

Well I have been late to realize they do not have time to be evil because they are too busy ignoring me because I am not worth the challenge. They do not see me as a threat because they are that confident they are better than me.

I felt really old and more insecure. I am not ready to face reality. They all made me feel I am dumb - I am so afraid of this truth, that’s why I resigned.


People are always thinking about themselves
Never minding the ifs and thens or bother hows or whys
People are always thinking of what will look cool
Never caring
You're hurt along the way

And when being asked to choose between two
They always choose the one on the wrong side
They don't seem to mind if you're being made to look like a fool

You know these people don't matter to me
I will always choose you
I will always choose what's best for you

People are always thinking of what can be used
Never care if you end up never having anything left

Still when being asked to choose between two
You always choose the one on the wrong side
You don't seem to mind if I'm being made to look like a fool

You know from the start it don't matter to me
I will always stoop down for you
I will always be you when you're being me - the dumped and the silly


Lately Sir
I recall the day you told me
You'll be fine
You will help your family, friends and even people you don't know at all
You'll be filthy rich

As soon as you make me feel isolated
Oh will you end this deceit

Lately Sir
I recall the first time you saw me
You were amazed coz
I was different from the rest
You said "I could only count on only one and it's you"
I didn't know you were full of filth

As soon as you make me feel isolated
Will you make this madness cease?

Sunday, October 25, 2009


My mother is the most annoying person in the world.

I bet you yourself will not survive even a day in the same house with her and I am 100% sure my father will agree.

She is such a dork.

She is a control freak especially when it comes to money.

If you accidentally spill a teaspoon of powdered milk, she will nag you about the price of powdered milk the whole day.

If she gives you seventy pesos for transportation allowance, you have to tell her how you spent it up to the last peso. So if you happen to think spending the extra two pesos on cigarette is okay, think again. With her you are obliged to return the change.

So if for some reasons you got in on a wrong bus and have to ride again without getting your money back, be prepared for a whole day of nagging. You are lucky if you come home late because you will be able to sleep for a while. By then you will have enough strength to listen to a whole day of nagging the next morning.

She has this talent of making you feel guilty for things that are not within your control.

Like if you are washing the dishes and she asks you to pick up dirt on the floor -

If you stop doing the dishes to clean the floor, she will get mad at you for not washing the dishes right away. "I told you not to leave anything on the sink!" then she gets angry at you the whole day.

If you continue doing the dishes and postpone the cleaning of the floor, she will accuse you of ignoring her even if you explain to her you will pick up the dirt after you are done with the dishes. "You have no respect for me!" then she gets angry at you the whole day.

No, she does not have alzheimer's.

She also makes you feel guilty for things that normally makes a person feel good like - food and "looking good."

She will cook ulam good for twenty persons then she will stuck everything in the refrigerator and make it last for one or two weeks. This way she can save on the gasul and the tricycle fare bringing it home. She makes sure you only get little ulam like a piece of galunggong every meal. If you happen to be really hungry and ask for a second one she will accuse you of gluttony.

If you let a friend eat in the house, she will tell you "why can't your friend bring his own food?" My brother hated her for hiding food on shoeboxes.

Highschool time was the worse. Every girl on that age wanted to look pretty to attract friends and boys. How can you do that if you are always dressed like a boy!

Yes, she hardly buys me any dress, she makes me wear my brother's old clothes!

And I never get used to applying lotions and anti acne creams because she says it's not within our budget.

I had a feeling she's making me look ugly intentionally.

She always tells me looks are never important - because if you are pretty, boys will only try to fuck you in highschool then end up marrying a virgin ten years later because they look down on women who started fucking at fourteen.

I was never close to my brother and father but I have always been one of the boys - Sadly my mother does not believe in that..

That's why I'm forced to be with girls who does not like me either because we don't share the same interests.

I'm forced to sit in a room full of girls who loved talking about shallow stuff like shopping and who's dating who. I hated waiting for them outside the girl's restroom- waiting for them to finish doing the perfect pony tail only to remove it shortly and get inside the restroom again to comb it for a another quarter of an hour! Damn I hate girls!

But they are the only ones I'm allowed to be friends with.

If I go somewhere that interests me, my mother will accuse me of doing that only to attract boys. She doesn't want me in the billiard hall; or out in the house playing chess with the neighborhood tambays; or watch a really good rock or metal band.

She says women should stay home and do all the housework. I find it so unfair she does not allow me to do the things really i want because she thinks I cannot do it.

She does not believe I am a writer.
She does not actually believe I can play keyboards in a rock band.
She thinks my singing, dancing and acting is not good enough
She even thinks my english is also not good enough so therefore instead of wasting car fare applying in call centers, I should start work as a sales lady in the nearest SM department store even if I am a college graduate.

She does not believe in anything I tell her I can do.

She would rather have me stay home and do housework.

She is very strict and unsupportive with the things I like.

I really hate her ways.

But her students love her.

Valentine's Day, Teacher's Day, Mother's day, Christmas, Graduation - She always come home with a big bag full of gifts from her students. I am also very happy during these days because most of the gifts end up being given to me. This is the only chance my mother have to give me gifts because she cannot really afford to buy me any.

Yes. She is an underpaid highschool teacher.

She may be the most annoying mother, but she is the best teacher in the world, not only inside but outside school as well.

She may be a micer but it is only because she wants to make sure she can send us in a good school because she does not want us to experience what she has been through.

It's a shame I complain about not having money to buy lotion because during her years they don't even eat three times a day. They can't afford even a toothbrush, so she lost most of her teeth in her teenage years and she was very sad about that.. Like me, she does not have nice clothes too.

But if there is anyone more exposed to discrimnation and not having enough riches to buy friends, it was her because they were so poor. They live in a squatter's area. Clearly, she is not a happy teenager herself.

But she worked very hard to get out of there just in time for us not to experience it anymore.

She made sure we are well read. She borrows magazines and books for us to read. A newspaper daily is not within our budget so she only buys it on sunday and borrows the rest of the week's broadsheet from the library every saturday.

Her being a control freak made me very good in whatever work i get into because I finish every work faster than anyone else, while most other employees are laid back wasting company time or making petiks. I do that not because I am afraid of my boss but because I have been used to working that way. I am also very good on making the most of limited resources. I have a very good mentor on quality control and she is my mother.

She may be unsupportive of the things I like but actually she is just trying to protect me from this sick sad unfair world.

She does not want me to experience rejection so she always suggest that I apply on jobs where i am over qualified. (Obviously, I never followed her advice)

She discourages me from making friends with rich people because she thinks most of them have a low opinion of people from our class so chances are we will only be used.

She assures me I am beautiful and i sing better than the ones we see on TV but no one will give me a chance, because we do not have prominent political or showbiz friends who can help me succeed or atleast protect me from abuse.

She may be a negative thinker but she is correct most of the time and she is only doing so because she does not want me to fall from great expectations because life is not a fairy tale.

She may have made me feel inferior from all the rest but because of this hard truth that she shared with me at a very young age, it made me work harder to be where I am right now.

Not everyone may agree but I learned this fact the easy way.

You do not measure a mother's worth by how much she is loved.

You will only know how well she did her job by measuring how much she is not needed anymore.

My mother has transformed me into a very strong and independent woman.

I don't need her anymore,

I fact I don't really need to win this contest. I can afford to buy her anything she wants, she's not so hard to please..

..but publishing this article will mean a lot to her.. it will let her know how much i love her and it's not every day i get a chance to express it..

and this is the only way i can convince her i can actually write. She still does not believe in my skills up to this very moment but i don't mind having her as a critic. Besides, she made me strong enough not to care.

I love you nay c",)

Friday, October 23, 2009


Lord knows I'm weak
but if my ship fails
I will see to it that you are safe on a lifeboat before I sink

(after a traumatic incident)

I hate God
I'm no longer afraid of hell
I'm already in it

(pag bagong basted)

I'm so depressed
I want to crush my skull on the wall
but I'm too weak to carry it

(pag out of her league yung dude)

I love you
You don't have to love me back
Just don't stop me from loving you

(in denial)

Truth stings.
Stop seeking unnecessary truths
What you don't know won't hurt

... kung may natatandaan pa kayo na madalas kong sabihin, ipaalala ninyo sakin bago tuluyang mabura sa isip ko.

June 2009 Rude Awakening

Alam mo ba yung pakiramdam na wala ka gusto gawin, wala ka gusto maging, at wala ka gustong pasayahin? Lahat ng kilos at pakikisalamuha mo araw araw ay isang malaking kaplastikan para mabuhay kase ayaw mo rin mamatay. Kung mayroong paraan para makalabas sa ganito ng hindi mo kailangan literal na masugatan mamatay at mabulok, gusto ko malaman.Payo nila mabuhay para sa iba. Eh paano kung wala naman iba? paano kung ang gusto mo lang sabihin sa iba eh putangina nilang lahat.Galit ako sa lahat. Naiinis ako sa sarili ko. Nalulungkot ako para sa mga taong nagmamahal sakin kasi hindi ko nararamdaman na mahal nila ako at dahil dito hindi ko sila kayang mahalin. Hindi ko na kayang mahalin kahit magulang ko.

Ang tingin ko sa mga taong nagmamahal sakin ay halaman na kailangan diligan para hindi mamatay kasi pag nawala sila lalong papangit ang pangit na buhay.

Ayoko sila mawala.

Ayoko ng may kasama pero ayokong mag-isa

Aaaah =(

Apathy (unedited)

How do you distinguish good from evil
if things that are relatively wrong are claimed as right?

How do you recognize happiness
when all you've been exposed to is sadness?

How will you know if your struggle is halfway through
when you have no idea when or how it will end?

How do you convince yourself it's not your fault
when you can't find anyone to blame?

Can someone who has not experienced
what it is like to be loved, be capable of loving?

How do you decipher a feeling you are not warranted to express?

What do you call this?


Buhay ko'y parang isang bakanteng lote
Masukal.. Malansa.. Mapanghi
Masdan mo ang malagkit na pader
Nagtutong na ang kulangot at plema
Habang ang suminga at dumura ay nananatiling malinis at mabango
Nagmapa na ang henerasyon ng mga ihi sa putim na pader
Nakakahilo ang amoy
Kay panghi ng buhay

Baldehan na ang pook na ito
Naglilibag sa kababuyan ng iba
Bantayan ng taong may malasakit sa isang taong di kayang protektahan ang sarili

Sino mang mahuling umihi ay putulin ang titi
Sino mang muling manggulo ay hambalusin ang ulo
'Pagkat bawal nang umihi dito
Bawal umihi dito.