Monday, January 10, 2011

I am not handling the break up well

I need my shrink to give me meds, but im broke. I almost lit our house on fire last night because i was so exhausted crying, i forgot the stove.

My chest hurt like it's being stabbed. I held a knife wanting to stab it for real, but got scared. I am losing it and I am scared.

If I still stay in a building like I used to, I may have flown out the window dead by now. It's becoming really unbearable for me - this stinky place, hostile friends, one month old cough and being abandoned by my Ex.

I am sorry for being weak.

Not even the fact that a lot of men are asking me out is enough to pacify me.

How sure are we that the next prospective relationship won't end up tragic like this? And how big are the chances they're just killing time and toying with me?

I am becoming really obnoxious now, telling the world all these.

I am sorry for being weak.

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